What we do
At PPI, we contribute to preventing loss of life and protecting developments by mitigating risks and strengthening preparedness and response capacities. PPI’s approach encompasses a comprehensive set of tools based on best practices for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Response through the development of preparedness models, organizational development and restructuring, self-adaptive learning systems and strategies for governance and coordination.
Areas of Expertise

Climate Change, Environment & Sustainable Development
- Climate change (adaptation)
- Ecosystem-based DRR
- Nature-based solutions
- Bio-diversity Protection
- Loss & Damage
- Smart Cities

Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R)
- Country and regional EP&R analytics
- Emergency Medicine
- Protection of cultural heritage in case of disaster
- Host Nation Support (HNS)
- Pandemic Preparedness
- Research and Development (R&D)

Disaster Risk Reduction & Resilience Building
- Systemic capacity building: training, drills, simulation, functional, TTX and FSX exercises
- Diplomacy and Cooperation
- Urban Planning and Resilience Design
- Host Nation Support (HNS)
- Primary Healthcare

Fragility, Conflict and Violence (FCV) Context and Food Security
- Assessment in FCV Contexts
- Disaster Risk Diplomacy
- Food Security in Protracted Crisis
- Food security Resilience

Population Movements & Migration
- (Mass) Evacuation planning and implementation
- Camp Planning and Management
- Emergency Shelter
- Long-Term Planning & Durable solutions
- Protection (including GbV)
- Cross-border management (border security)

Business Continuity and Critical Infrastructure
- Business Continuity Management
- Government Continuity Planning
Knowledge Hubs
PPI’s Knowledge Hubs are dedicated to advancing research, developing new initiatives, and applying innovative solutions across a range of critical fields. As coordinators/active members of these hubs, we focus on strengthening research and development to address the pressing challenges in these thematic areas. Our knowledge hubs inform strategies, policies, and program/project initiatives, serving as platforms for sharing lessons learned and best practices. Through these hubs, PPI not only drives cutting-edge research but also fosters collaboration and innovation between diverse partners. We do so by bringing together leading academic institutions and international organizations to increase understanding of the risks and potential impact of disasters, across diverse sectors and contexts.
Urban Resilience
Technological evolution provided us with a high number of tools that are supposed to be used in overcoming the continuously-growing complexity of urban systems in large-scale disasters.
However, in many cities around the world, even the basics for addressing this complexity are lacking.
Lessons from previous urban disasters show that dysfunctional or under-developed systems are not benefitting from the implementation of new technology, but rather struggle even more when their capacities are not adequate for utilizing the tools provided.
We work continuously in building and strengthening the capacities of different cities and urban areas around the world, in order to ensure increased levels of preparedness and capacity to respond to disasters.
Maritime Sector and Port Preparedness
Ports and Harbors are an intrinsic part of the key infrastructure for states. Not only are they a vital economic lifeline for states and regions but also provide essential support to the population through supplying vital needs. In addition, when large-scale natural and complex disasters occur, harbors and ports are even more crucial in a city or a state’s ability to support its population through life-saving humanitarian aid.
The international framework for international assistance stemming from the 1990s has not yet been rolled out for the maritime sector. Many countries who are at risk of being impacted by natural disasters or conflict, only operate humanitarian aid via one key harbor. If this harbor should not be operational because of a lack of preparedness or no appropriate resilience plans in place, the effect on the population can be detrimental.
We, together with the International Maritime Legal Institute (IMLI) and Tilburg University, have founded the Global Maritime Preparedness Programme, aimed at:
- increasing port authorities and emergency services preparedness to disasters' impacts
- enhancing port infrastructure and shipping lines' resilience
- ensuring that harbors can contribute to the support of people in need both on sea & land (basic human right met)
- increasing harbors' capacity to welcome and support population movement and migration
- enhancing maritime sector's capacity to ensure passengers' safety
Mountain Area Resilience
Mountain areas make up about 20% of the Earth’s surface and they provide means of livelihoods for humans, as well as represent the basis of diverse ecosystem services.
Due to climate change, they are very much threatened, with glaciers melting and food insecurity increasing.
We work towards reducing the physical and social vulnerability of the people living in these areas, by the means of building their resilience towards a sustainable response to climate distress and its unpredictable effects.
Our efforts towards increasing mountain areas resilience focusing on increasing the ability of the social, economic and ecological systems in these to withstand climate change impacts and build back better when damaged.
Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are a group of countries that share common characteristics, such as small territories, geographical remoteness, small population size, few human resources, limited economic basis, environmental fragility and high exposure to natural hazards.
Together, SIDS represent less than 5 % of the world population, but are very much threatened by climate change. Sea level rise and climate variability threaten their environment, economy and health care systems. Freshwater availability, food security and biodiversity are endangered due to the combined impacts of heat waves, pollution and changes in temperature and rainfall.
Our experts have experience working in SIDS worldwide and bring to the table strategies to address the needs of these territories, based on lessons learned during their missions, such as the vulnerabilities shared by these islands, their dependence on import and the need for support from the international community.
PPI experts have worked and collaborated in disaster risk management, climate change adaptation and capacity building with a wide range of national and international public and private sector partners:
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